how do you qualify for hospice care

If you are a patient and your doctor has determined that you have a terminal illness that is expected to result in death within six months, you may be eligible for hospice care. Hospice care is a type of extended care treatment that provides comfort and support during the final stages of your illness. It can help you manage pain and symptoms, remain mobile and participating in life as much as possible, and spend your final days with those you love.

To be eligible for hospice care, you must first meet certain requirements. These include being diagnosed with an incurable illness that is expected to result in death within six months, having received a diagnosis from a physician who is qualified to make this determination, and being willing and able to accept hospice care. If all of these conditions are met, then your doctor can submit an application for hospice care on your behalf.

If you are approved for hospice care, it will be provided by one or more designated hospitals or health-care facilities. The focus of hospice care is on providing comfort and support during the final stages of your illness rather than on treating the underlying disease or symptoms. This means that you will not need to take any medications or undergo any treatments other than those necessary for your health maintenance. In addition, there are typically limits placed on how much time you spend in the hospital or health-care facility,


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