Home health care vs hospice

There are a few key differences between home health care and hospice. Here are the main points:

– Home health care is usually provided by registered nurses or nurse aides who visit your home regularly to provide care and support. Hospice, on the other hand, is a more comprehensive service that includes round-the-clock care.

– Home health care typically lasts for six to twelve months, while hospice can last for as long as you live.

– Home health care is typically covered by insurance, while hospice may not be.

– Home health care is less expensive than hospice, but it doesn’t always offer the same level of comfort and convenience.

So which option is right for you? It depends on your individual needs and preferences. If you’re looking for a short-term solution that’s affordable and easy to access, then home health care may be a good choice for you. However, if you want more comprehensive coverage and greater comfort during your final days, then hospice may be better suited for you.


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