what supplies does hospice provide

Hospice provides a wide range of medical equipment and supplies for home hospice care. This includes everything from bedding and towels to oxygen tanks and walkers.

One of the most important supplies that hospice provides is medical equipment, such as oxygen tanks and walkers. Oxygen is essential for people who are receiving hospice care because it helps them to stay comfortable and relaxed. It also helps to reduce the risk of infection, which is particularly important in people who are terminally ill or have cancer.

Other important supplies that hospice may provide include bedding, clothing, hygiene items and catering services. Bed sheets, blankets and bath towels can all be used repeatedly throughout the course of a person's hospice care, so they need to be replaced rarely if at all. Clothing should be comfortable but wrinkle-free, as it will need to be worn often while people are confined to their bedsides. Hygiene items like soap and shampoo should always be available, as well as cups and plates for eating food from bed. Finally, hospice may also provide catering services so that patients can enjoy a good meal while they're lying in bed.


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