when is hospice care usually ordered by a doctor

Hospice care is a type of care that can help you live comfortably and with dignity until you die. It's usually ordered by a doctor when your goals of care begin shifting away from aggressive treatment of a specific disease.

There are different levels of hospice care, depending on the level of assistance you will need and the amount of time you have left. In most cases, hospice care starts by helping you to adjust to your new situation and improve your quality of life. This may involve helping you to adjust to daily living tasks, such as dressing and eating independently. You may also receive support in making decisions about end-of-life care. 

Later on, if it becomes clear that you won't be able to recover from your illness at all, hospice care will start providing pain relief and symptom management services. This may include things like adjusting the dosage of medication or providing relief from symptoms like intense pain or nausea. 

If you're facing terminal illness, it's important to talk to your doctor about whether hospice is right for you. It may not be possible to cure your illness, but hospice can provide peace of mind during what could be an extremely difficult time.


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