long term care vs hospice

Hospice care is a type of care that's designed to provide relief from the symptoms of a terminal illness. It focuses on comfort and support, rather than on treating the illness itself. Most hospices are located in residential facilities, but they can also be found in hospitals or other health care settings.

Nursing home care, on the other hand, is typically provided to people who are no longer able to live independently. This means that nursing home residents are usually assigned a single nurse who oversees their every need, from daily activities to medical expenses. Nursing home care is not meant to provide relief from the symptoms of an illness; it's primarily intended to help patients lead as comfortable a life as possible until they die. 

There are several key differences between hospice and nursing home care that you should be aware of if you're thinking about either type of care: 

- Hospice care focuses on providing relief from symptoms while nursing home care is intended to help residents lead as comfortable a life as possible until they die. 

- Hospice services are typically provided in residential facilities, while nursing home services can be found in hospitals or other health care settings. 

- Hospices usually have shorter length of stay than nursing homes - usually around six months vs. an indefinite period for most nursing homes.


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