What happens if you call 911 on hospice?

Yes, a hospice patient can go to the emergency room or hospital, but they should only do this if there's an emergency and there is no other way to get the care they need.

Hospice patients are generally treated like any other patient in terms of their health care. This means that they are given the same treatments as anyone else who is injured or sick. Hospices also have teams of doctors and nurses who are specifically trained to provide care to hospice patients. 

If there's an emergency and a hospice patient needs help, then they should go to the nearest hospital or emergency room as soon as possible. However, if it's not an emergency and the patient can wait until the next day or until their doctor feels it's necessary, then they should stay at home and try to get their care from a different source. More info visit: can you call 911 while on hospice


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